
Prepared before you power up.

 Prepared before you power up.

Hazardous our first encounter when you have your computer set up and ready to use it as a problem of electricity in the form of spikes and surges, brownouts and fire protection, these problems can come easily with the use of the UPS (. Uninterruptible Power Supply) that may have built-in surge protection as well; Surge Protector, which is at or at least stop power spikes from your device is damaged.
The difference between UPS and Surge Protector:.
UPS will allow your computer to continue to run during a power failure and / or brownouts, so that you can leave and save your work before you shut down your computer.UPS will sound an alarm light indicates a problem, most surge protection devices do not have this feature.UPS batteries must be after 2-3 years, surge protection devices are not batterySurge protection devices can not prevent the crash, just surges or spikes that could damage your equipment.UPS is equipped with the more expensive surge protection devices. But more to protect.Both provide protection if you use a phone line connection via telephone lines. Most computers are damaged by surges and lightning, by far, not to hit through the phone line cord. Even the cable connection has been known to destroy the surge, if not properly grounded. You can order special protection for this and some UPS units have network protection built in..Whether these devices will provide coverage if your home wiring is not grounded properly.
Never store properly grounded, even if youâ € ™ in a new home at risk is always for human error during installation, if youâ € ™ home earlier than this to check every store to make sure that protection for your machine. The test will cost $ 3 at the local hardware store when compared to several hundred dollars, or thousands for a new computer.Please check your UPS to determine whether a fault line. (If you have a fault detector UPS) if found guilty of uninterruptible power supply, use other stores. If the fault indicator will show correctly, you better check your wiring.As far as the UPS, if the alarm sounds and your computer starts with the battery it will not collect information on as if nothing happened. UPS has given you the opportunity to save your work and your computer from damage or loss, so do not waste your time. Stop what you're doing, and save your document, close your browser, or what you are doing and shut down your system. Of course, the power may come back in a few seconds and it seems a waste of time. But the next time could be much longer and if the battery does not last as long as you'll regret later.